"21 Jump Street" premiered in 1987 as one of the very first shows ever on the Fox Network. It followed a group of youthful looking cops new to the force as they became part of a new program that placed them in schools to combat crime. It starred Johnny Depp, Holly Robinson, Peter Deluise, Dustin Nguyen and Steven Williams.
Season 1 Intro:
The show ran for 5 seasons and 103 episodes. It tackled issues such as alcoholism, hate crimes, drug abuse, homophobia, AIDS, child abuse, sexual promiscuity, arson and more.
It boasted such guest stars as Christina Applegate, Brad Pitt, Jason Priestley, Mindy Cohn, Jada Pinkett Smith, Bridget Fonda, Vince Vaughn, Shannen Doherty, Josh Brolin and many more.
Season 4 Intro:
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21 Jump Street #3 - "Your friends'll be there when your back is to the wall"
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