mardi 25 août 2015

Kittens {Jen & Josh} #10 ~ "I love Josh, I really love Josh"


01. Shadowhunter
02. ღfaithfully
03. Sincerely, Me.
04. my pretty dancer
05. NOLA504
06. sethamgal
07. warangel88
08. Melanie95
09. linsxx3
10. chairdelenaradrian
11. hlgreenie
12. Metaphors_Are_Important
13. tsforever
14. Make A Wave
15. murphyboy11
16. kaleidoscope eyes
17. Butterflygirl
18. Static Waves
19. stand up
20. shamone
21. TV fan xx
22. Periwinkles
23. love fades
24. Before The Storm
25. Stay to the Lights
26. Karma Police
27. Animefan99
28. ripe to fall
29. until morning
30. storm warning
31. tatibsblp
32. Em183
33. simply be mine
34. xlennie
35. Josie2288
36. flightless♥bird
37. eleonor
38. i<3peeta
39. dancing in the rain
40. forever yours
41. Ruby_Slippers
43. totally_0bsessed
44. ErinlovestheOC
45. Clarissa Fray
46. powerfully
47. holding on to memories
48. OMGrey
49. Lea2010
50. sourburst
51. acoustichearts


Josh about Jen

On Kissing Jennifer Lawrence:
“Actually it’s funny because we’re such good friends that in those moments where it has to be romantic it’s sometimes challenging because we have such a good time with what we do that we have to be serious and really buckle down.”

Kittens {Jen & Josh} #10 ~ "I love Josh, I really love Josh"

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