So here we are again, and this time I think that it really is time to close this board. Our post counts have continually been declining over the past few months and we have very few regular posters. As you know, Fan Forum requires that we average at least 15 posts per day, with lower numbers than that leading to warnings and then possible closure of the board. I would prefer to go out under our own terms rather than be forced to close due to low post counts.
Please let me know what you think. I'd be glad to hear any suggestions or advice to renew interest here. Remember that to keep the board going, we need the commitment of a few regular, dedicated posters. As much as we love this board, please don't just post to "save" the board and then disappear again, because we'll be in the same position that we're in now if you do.
Funny, this corresponds with the Theme of this week's episode.. "Breaking up the Band" This will be the 3rd or 4th time this notice has gone up. Each time, the post counts go up for a bit, and then we're right back below the minimum again. This time, the season is not even finished, and we're struggling to meet minimums. I can't even imagine trying to make it through another hiatus..even if the show were to be renewed..which, at this point, does not seem likely. As well, there has not been any interest in the moderator opening. For these reasons, I have requested to close the board permanently, effective Sunday September 6th, after the final episode of the season has aired.
It's been a great place to hang out and discuss one of my favorite shows.. and I've had a blast! To those of you who have been lovely and generous with your time and posts, I really appreciate the support that you've shown. For those of you who promised to post more and then didn't.. well, thanks for trying. :P As sad as I am to see the board close, I really would rather do it by choice than by force - I'm actually not sad.. we had a great run, we will make it to the end of the season..and this may sound silly, but I'd like to say Goodbye with some dignity :) Cheers to the final two episodes of Rookie Blue! I hope y'all enjoy the rest of your summer (although I guess it's nearly fall...) I hope to see you all around :)
Please let me know what you think. I'd be glad to hear any suggestions or advice to renew interest here. Remember that to keep the board going, we need the commitment of a few regular, dedicated posters. As much as we love this board, please don't just post to "save" the board and then disappear again, because we'll be in the same position that we're in now if you do.
Funny, this corresponds with the Theme of this week's episode.. "Breaking up the Band" This will be the 3rd or 4th time this notice has gone up. Each time, the post counts go up for a bit, and then we're right back below the minimum again. This time, the season is not even finished, and we're struggling to meet minimums. I can't even imagine trying to make it through another hiatus..even if the show were to be renewed..which, at this point, does not seem likely. As well, there has not been any interest in the moderator opening. For these reasons, I have requested to close the board permanently, effective Sunday September 6th, after the final episode of the season has aired.
It's been a great place to hang out and discuss one of my favorite shows.. and I've had a blast! To those of you who have been lovely and generous with your time and posts, I really appreciate the support that you've shown. For those of you who promised to post more and then didn't.. well, thanks for trying. :P As sad as I am to see the board close, I really would rather do it by choice than by force - I'm actually not sad.. we had a great run, we will make it to the end of the season..and this may sound silly, but I'd like to say Goodbye with some dignity :) Cheers to the final two episodes of Rookie Blue! I hope y'all enjoy the rest of your summer (although I guess it's nearly fall...) I hope to see you all around :)
Possible Board Closure Discussion: Please Read and Respond!
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