mardi 24 février 2015

A Free-Market Defense of Net Neutrality

You know your uncle, dad, grandpa, brother-in-law, maybe sister-in-law, whoever it is, that keeps posting dumb right-wing articles in your Facebook or G+ stream (almost certainly Facebook), or even by email? Here's your chance to get revenge by sending them a smart right-wing article that might actually get them thinking about whether they're on the right side of the Net Neutrality debate.

Please reshare, comment, like, +1, etc. as much as possible! Thanks! And I bet your crazy right-wing uncle will be happy to hear from you, because you never call, you selfish bastard.

(note: as usual, I won't be answering here. Want an answer from me? Go post what you think as a comment on the actual article!)

A Free-Market Defense of Net Neutrality

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