mercredi 25 février 2015

The Afterlife of TRPG Social Justice

I've had another run-in with some SJWs online who believe that D&D has "ingrained sexual harassment" as part of the play experience (they were inspired by this VICE article and this blog post by a writer for Pathfinder, Neal Litherfeld. It was annoying, as expected, but it left me with a question.

With these SJWs entering the hobby in order to rectify some imagined problem in it, what are they going to be like in 10 or 20 years when the problem has been consigned to the dustbin of history? Will they still play games when the reason why they started playing is gone?

I'm wondering, because it feels like we have returned to the 80's with the ghost of Patricia Pulling replacing "Satanism" with "Misogyny".

The Afterlife of TRPG Social Justice

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