lundi 25 mai 2015

5E DMs/Players status check: Still liking it?

Mostly a question for those who still run and played 5E and generally have had a positive view of 5E from the outset.

I've owned and run DnD 5E for quite a few months now and feel I have a pretty good handle on how it works and how to run it in general.

I've owned all 3 core books for quite a while (PHB, MM and DMG), read through them and use some of the alternate rules I like from the DMG and PHB.
So I'm in a pretty comfortable place.

Aside from some things that feel kind of clunky and sort of shoe-horned in, such as kit proficiencies, I really like 5E.

I had a few weeks break from running DnD and tabletop RPGs in general up until very recently, as life got very busy, so I was a little concerned about running DnD on Sunday just passed, as I wasn't sure if If forgotten the rules etc.
Not the rules generally, just those little gotchas here and there that come up when someone wants to try something unusual.

I was VERY pleasantly surprised to find that it was like riding a bike... It's just really easy to pick back up and the system flows very nicely.
I did have to reference spells from time to time. but one of the other players has bought the core 3 books set anyway, so we have 2 sets of rules at the table now.

All in all, if anything, especially with the DMG, I'm liking 5E more than ever.

I asked all the players their views and they all really enjoy getting into the Fantasy RPG trip and just having a laugh.
It's SO easy to determine on the fly how the rules work when unusual things happen, as the system is simple enough, but very flexible.

I noticed I didn't have one single debate about how a spell or rule was applied. it just all reads pretty clearly.

So I still give it a 9 out of 10. It's not perfect, but it's darn close and there's so many options to tune for your own tastes, even the things that are slightly annoying can be ironed out.

So, for those who generally had a positive view of 5E how's it going for you? Still liking it?

5E DMs/Players status check: Still liking it?

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