dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Random Encounter yea or Nay ?

So reading all these threads of late I wondered how people defined Random Encounters.

Traditionally it seems people define them as a chart of encounters rolled at random for occurrence and type.

I always defined it more as Random in the sense they were not part of the players ongoing plot.

When I ran 3.5 due to the complication level I almost always pre-planned my encounters. Realizing Pre-Planned does not mean predestined. The characters may never get near the encounter which was fine by me. They may simple choose not to investigate or deal with the encounter, once again ok with me. But I liked to know what the possibilities were, so I didn't have to logic out the encounter on the fly and had everything ready, bad guys/treasure/maps etc.

Also it was not all because of 3.5 did the same in Star wars and multiple other games. I like to make sure an encounter fits into the world logically before I throw it out to be "Encountered"

So I guess what I ask is that a random encounter or not?

Random Encounter yea or Nay ?

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