samedi 24 janvier 2015

[nWoD/W:tF2e] Wolf-Blooded fighting alongside Uratha (mortal hangs with werewolves)

We're going to play a short Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd edition Chronicle (our GM Acrozatarim is one of the writers of the game) set in modern Paris. By short, I mean it'll be in the 8-12 sessions range, in all likelihood.

We have four players, three will be Uratha (exactly what is still a little fluid), and I'll be playing an upgraded Wolf-Blooded. Think like the Proximus Illuminates from Mage: the Awakening; more competent in the mundane sense and more experienced in the world, but not a werewolf. Concept is that he's a former Hunter brought into the pack through his friendship with one of the other PCs (they grew up together in the same banlieue).

As such he's trained to fight supernaturals, primary weapon is archery (which keys off Athletics, rather helpfully). Since guns don't work against lots of things, and it's easy to fulfil Bans with stuff smeared on arrows. Yes, he also carries silver arrows, but they're only broken out when someone gives him the nod that it's serious.

What I'm less sure of is how he can fight up close. There's no way he's untrained or incapable up close, that would have gotten him dead. I suspect the answer is "tools" as in melee weapons. But what works well - should he be looking for a big, heavy thing, or knives (with the Light Weapons Fighting Style)? Or something else?

France, like the UK, has quite strict weapon laws, so there's also the consideration of what's concealable to factor in. Does anyone know if French law enforcement/military have special authorisation to own and carry certain weapons even out of uniform? In the UK there's a special warrant for things like ASP collapsible batons and tasers, is there an equivalent? Being an ex-Hunter, he might have something like that (or purchase-able with a Merit).

That might mean having two load-outs; the covert, concealable set which may just be a knife and collapsible baton; and the overt, going to war set with bow, several knives, sword/axe (?), and possibly armour. Is armour worthwhile in post-GMC/2nd edition nWoD?

I know that if a werewolf turns Gauru, run like buggery, but other than that, what can I do to make him a useful addition to the team, when not putting arrows in things? Also bear in mind, we wouldn't only, or even necessarily mostly be fighting werewolves. There's Hosts, the Claimed, spirits, possibly vampires and all sorts of other stuff, and humans of course.

[nWoD/W:tF2e] Wolf-Blooded fighting alongside Uratha (mortal hangs with werewolves)

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