jeudi 26 mars 2015

Playable races--where do you draw the line?

As Mike Monard has said on a few occasions, Gary had said that you can play a balor if you want, just start at level 1.

So my question is, what weird monstrous races would you allow, and how many have you actually had in your games or played yourself? I know that these two lines don't necessarily intersect, as I would probably allow a lot more races than I've actually seen in game.

For me, I do have limits. Heck, I'm not all that fond of having dragonborn and tieflings as "common" races in my campaign world ;). That being said, these are probably races I would allow and/or have been interested in playing myself as long as the player works with the DM to have a decent backstory and plausibility:

the common humanoids (orcs, goblins, lizardmen, etc)





three-kreen (only in darksun probably)

Over the past 35 years, I've only actually seen played:






Playable races--where do you draw the line?

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