mardi 24 mars 2015

RPGs you love, but know you'll never get players for?

I've been playing RPGs since the early 80s and played a LOT of RPGs over the years.

Of them, there's a few that are just old favourites and would love to give a go again, perhaps only for old times sake, who knows I might hate it now.

But some of these RPGs were pretty obscure or quite complicated.

For example, Id love to get a game of Rolemaster SS or Rolemaster FRP going again for a bit.

I know the character gen takes AGES and the rules look pretty formidable with all the tables. but really the character gen is by far the most complicated part.

Still, I think it'd be pretty much impossible to find players for Rolemaster these days. I'm not even sure I'd have time to run such a game. I'd be spending ages just teaching people to generate a character.

I did love the combat tables and crit charts though and there's nothing out there with character gen as rich and deep as Rolemaster.

TBh, I don't even know if I could be bothered anyway, it was a faff sometimes and it'd be especially hard if I was the only one who knew the rules.

I'd also like to run one of the early editions of Stormbringer, when you could summon demons into weapons and stuff.

The rules were really simple really, sort of an early Runequest rules set.

But it seems to be easy to get Pathfinder and 5E players, but not much room for other stuff.

How about you? What would you like to run, but probably won't get the chance to?

RPGs you love, but know you'll never get players for?

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