dimanche 7 décembre 2014

5e MM: Which monster would you most want for a PC Race?

Having only just received my complementary Monster Manual (due to mailing mixups), I have only barely had time to look through it (particularly as this weekend I was running two games). I have to say it looks awesome so far.

Strangely (particularly for me, since I almost never do this in my games) my thoughts ran to considering which of the MM creatures I might want to allow as a PC race in some theoretical campaign.

Any thoughts on this? If you could pick one monster, from the 5e MM and based on the description therein (not just some old favorite or whatever, or naming a monster you like if you haven't even read the new MM), which one would you pick to allow as a PC race in your campaign?

5e MM: Which monster would you most want for a PC Race?

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