jeudi 4 décembre 2014

Dungeons Make No Sense

The layout of almost every dungeon in almost every D&D adventure module ever made makes no sense at all (with the exception of a very few historical-accuracy type adventures, and a few where they were semi-credible cave complexes rather than 'intelligent design').

That is, if you look at real "dungeons", real burial chambers, real tombs, even mines, catacombs or ancient sewers, NONE of them look like the often seemingly-random spattering of corridors, rooms, and multiple levels that you see in a D&D dungeon. They make no sense even from a construction perspective; and of course, most of the times the ecology of the dungeon makes no sense at all (sometimes this last note is worse than others, like dungeons that have giants or dragons that literally couldn't fit through the door out of the room they're found in, or ancient sealed dungeons unopened for centuries that somehow have contemporary equipment, groups of randomly-placed goblins, etc.).

So how do you handle all this?

Do you just not give a shit, and not address it at all?

Do you create some kind of flimsy justification for it ("a crazy wizard did it. Yes, all of them!")?

Do you actually make some kind of effort to at least try to have your dungeons be internally logical to the setting somehow?

Anyone actually want to try to defend the dungeon with some argument other than "fuck you, it's fun and I don't need to think about it"?


Dungeons Make No Sense

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