So like every body on the planet, I've been playing around with an RPG system, going through game books and finding the cool bits that do interesting things, looking for unique game elements.
Holy crap, FUDGE is sort of amazing. I mean, it has the Bell Curve reliability of GURPS while completely side-stepping the issues that can crop up in roll-under systems, and avoids throwing more than +/-4 at any given check.
Aside from FATE (which I remain skeptical of), has anyone done anything with FUDGE?
Holy crap, FUDGE is sort of amazing. I mean, it has the Bell Curve reliability of GURPS while completely side-stepping the issues that can crop up in roll-under systems, and avoids throwing more than +/-4 at any given check.
Aside from FATE (which I remain skeptical of), has anyone done anything with FUDGE?
FUDGE is kind of amazing
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