vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Mapping Moria

I'm on a bit of a middle earth gaming jag just now, focusing on The One Ring as my rules set (mostly because they setting material is very good and has now reached critical mass). I'm re-discovering a frustration I've had with every one of the many games I've run in middle earth. It has nothing to do with all the usual crap people talk about subtle magic and rigid story lines - my difficulty with the setting is much simpler: Moria is the clearly the ultimate mysterious underworld any player should be itching to explore, but no one has really done it justice.

MERP has a Moria set that is appropriately broad in scope, but as with a lot of their materials gets the tone wrong on many of the details. Basically, it is a cool set of street maps and not actually a very good dungeon. Decipher's boxed set has some good things about it, but is far too schematic in its overview map and its detailed maps look like a random collection of 1980's 'Dungeon Tiles'.

I don't know of anyone else who has even tried to do a good Moria write up, including anyone posting their own shit online. I don't buy that it is undoable; it just calls for a treatment that is similar in scope and organiziation to Undermountain.

Anyone out there know of a Moria mapping project that I should see?

Mapping Moria

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