Unlike LED fixtures that require heat-dispersing fins that might not fit in an incandescent fixture, the Finally Light's glass bulb provides all the surface area needed for heat dissipation.
Robert Sorokanich - GIZMODO - July 25, 2014
The 60W bulb is rated the same as an CFL at 14.5W --Ed.
Despite their inefficiency, old-school incandescent lightbulbs sure did put out a pleasant, natural-looking light. The folks at Finally Light Bulb missed that light, so they brought it back with an efficient, affordable bulb using technology Nikola Tesla once patented. The team visited Gizmodo's NYC office to show us the light.
The Finally Light Bulb is a drastically miniaturized induction light, a type used to light skyscrapers, tunnels, and warehouses. Induction lights use a magnetic field instead of the failure-prone metal filament of an incandescent, giving a lifespan that can reach 100,000 hours and slashing the incandescent's 90-percent energy waste. Unfortunately, industrial induction lights require a brick-sized box of electronic controls, which prevented the tech from reaching household fixtures for years. ... [Read More]
Robert Sorokanich - GIZMODO - July 25, 2014
The 60W bulb is rated the same as an CFL at 14.5W --Ed.
Despite their inefficiency, old-school incandescent lightbulbs sure did put out a pleasant, natural-looking light. The folks at Finally Light Bulb missed that light, so they brought it back with an efficient, affordable bulb using technology Nikola Tesla once patented. The team visited Gizmodo's NYC office to show us the light.
The Finally Light Bulb is a drastically miniaturized induction light, a type used to light skyscrapers, tunnels, and warehouses. Induction lights use a magnetic field instead of the failure-prone metal filament of an incandescent, giving a lifespan that can reach 100,000 hours and slashing the incandescent's 90-percent energy waste. Unfortunately, industrial induction lights require a brick-sized box of electronic controls, which prevented the tech from reaching household fixtures for years. ... [Read More]
This Super-Efficient Lightbulb Uses Tesla Tech for an Incandescent Glow
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