mardi 13 janvier 2015

New for Traveller and Legend

A brand new adventure has just been printed for Traveller, along with a complete new setting for Legend!

Adventure 4: Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown casts the players as Exploratory Scouts on board the IISS Spartan Wainwright, a Donosev-class Survey Scout. Their mission is to conduct a Class IVb survey of system N-83-Aleph and confirm an overview of the system obtained from pre-jump assessment phases conducted earlier and survey in detail any potentially inhabitable planets.

While there, they will uncover the descendants of a long-lost crew, survive the flora and fauna of a new world, and contend with a system-wide tragedy...

Adventure 4: Into the Unknown is a complete self-contained adventure that can be expanded into a complete mini-campaign that will challenge players to explore and solve problems with more than just a laser.

Sheoloth: The Sprawling City

Sheoloth throws players into the City of the Dark Mother, detailing it from top to bottom, immersing them in dark elf culture for the Legend RPG while providing up new advanced skills such as Style and Intimidation. New professions such as Assassins and Warlocks open the door to the dark elves’ magical and vicious natures, while the dark elven magic of Shadowcraft, the ability to shape shadows into living beings or objects. Fleshcrafting, too, has its own dark secrets

So prepare to explore the city from the Ashen Bulwark to the Lair of the Dark Mother; just keep one hand on your dagger.

Deus Vult

We are also happy to announce that the Deus Vult core books are back in stock and will soon be joined by more supplements!

New for Traveller and Legend

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