mardi 26 août 2014

Sources for economy building in RPGs?

I'm interested in supplements on building credible and useful/enjoyable economies in RPGs, or books that have helpful sections on this.

I ran a Mutants and Masterminds game sometime back that was a little lacking in the economy department. M&M doesn't really seem set up for much crunch in this area (for genre reasons, if I recall) and part of what the party ended up wanting to do was build a subterranean redoubt. Which was cool, and M&M had plenty of stuff for the secret ninja base itself, but there was next to nothing on the sort of commerce that would go into stocking and maintaining such a thing.

Looking for advice on:

  • Ballpark expense ratios at different standards of living in different eras/levels of industrialization.

  • How common social pressures cause macro level changes in what buying stuff looks like to the players

  • Gotchas

  • What sort of things players expect the economy to be/do, and not be/not do.

Sources for economy building in RPGs?

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