mercredi 17 septembre 2014

When are you supposed to roll for CHA?

This doesn't apply to just D&D but RPGs with a charisma stat in general, but as a GM I find myself wondering when exactly we are supposed to ask for a check on this stat.

Normally you can just roleplay out a dialogue without any rolls at all. But then, since there is a CHA stat, you want it to actually be useful rather than a dump stat; that means that there should be situations where rolling it would be required, or at last some situations where it is the appropriate move instead of just talking it out.

When exactly do you look for a charisma check? Suppose player A is trying to convince NPC B of something. You could technically roll a charisma check at any point during the discussion, but what exactly would prompt it?

When are you supposed to roll for CHA?

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