jeudi 21 août 2014

[5e] Monster humanoid variants

As far as we can tell so far, 5e doesn't have the variants that 4e had with a lot of the humanoids: kobold dragonshields, alchemists, goblin worg riders, etc.

Yesterday jadrax posted on ENWorld a few variants he came up with. Taking from his awesome idea, I think there is an easy template one could use to easily and quickly add a lot of flavor and variance to your monstrous humanoids.

Rule: Add one feat, and double the CR if <1.


kobold alchemist (feat: magic initiate /w acid spash cantrip)

goblin spy (feat: skulker)

goblin sentry (feat: observant)

orc shaman (feat: ritual caster)

kobold dragonshield (feat: shield master)

I think the feat system in 5e lends itself very well to easily and quickly modifying monsters.

[5e] Monster humanoid variants

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