jeudi 21 août 2014

Our MERP group wants to change the System

Finally, after years of agitation and discontent, our ongoing MERP/roleplayer group has decided to switch systems (hooray), Unfortunately, there is no true consent about what shiny new game should replace the current mess of a game we use (basically a mesh up of MERP, Rolemaster and a large houserule bloat nobody seems to completely understand anymore). I had a few ideas (as do the others) and I am the "guy who knows many different roleplaying games", and I am not completely sure if there isn't a better option than my first gut feeling (that would be BRP or another member of the Runequest family, probably Legend, because it's cheap). So, I'm asking you for recommendations for good systems. Perhaps there is a hidden gem out there which we haven't seen yet which would be a nigh perfect fit.

The criteria so far for a new game are:

  • The base is classic fantasy. With Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and so on. Strongly inspired by Tolkien, but expanded to a massive kitchen sink (think forgotten realms, but without any consistency).

  • The system should be generic enough to be adjusted to the setting.

  • The rule mechanics should be "sensible", meaning mostly "realistic" and strongly associated with the events in the game represented in the game; highly abstract games are not to this group's tastes.

  • Task resolution should be decently quick and simple.

  • the game should require little bookkeeping or nitty-gritty resource management.

  • Many options for characters are good; classes, levels or other purely metagame concepts are not.

  • Random character creation should at least be an option.

  • Realism is more important than balance, balance is more important than cinematic spectacle, spectacle is more important than individual drama or other introspective elements.

  • D&D in any form is for some reason or other unacceptable. No, the reasons aren't entirely rational.

So, if you have any recommendations for a game system that would fit those criteria, let me know.

Our MERP group wants to change the System

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