mercredi 20 août 2014

Signs of GM breakdown...

Hmmm... I think our GM may have bitten off more than he can chew...

Early on I was having a great time. It was Pathfinder but we were playing low level Sandbox... lots of danger and PC death and wacky fun. 3 Players at lvl 1-3.

But lately the group has grown and now there's 8 of us AND things aren't so low level anymore (group average is around 7ish) AND we've gone MYTHIC. Combats are real slogs now... lots more discussion of how powers stack and who can do what when and for how long. The rules lawyer and charop guy are questioning a lot more decisions... holding the GM to RAW.

So, tonight the GM's laptop went south... the laptop he runs Pathfinders' app on.

I'm thinking, "So what, let's play!"

Nope, the GM spent the next couple hours trying to figure out the problem (no luck) while we talked amongst ourselves.

Really? Pathfinder can't be run without the computer? All the books are right there on the shelf beside us!

In retrospect it seems weird/ridiculous... but at the time everyone was patient.

Eventually we played some card game, then broke up early.

Now, it seems to me the GM has been stalling during the past couple games. I kind of recognized some stuff I used to do when I wasn't prepared to game.

I sense that he has been running on-the-fly up till now, no real preparation... but with so many people, and so many more moving mechanical parts involved in the game now... he can't really pull it off anymore.

The guy did so well with a smaller group at lower levels. He'd be great with some OSR game like S&W.

It seems like he's overextended himself... or something.

I know I wouldn't want to run PF... certainly not at this level for this many people.

I'm not even sure why I'm bringing it up here... it's not like I've got a question. At this point I'm just going to watch and see what happens... put in my 2 cents where I see an opening.

I've been lobbying to try D&D 5 but I think if I bring it up one more time I'll be in bitch territory and no one else seems to have any interest (not that I've got that much interest myself... but it's gotta be easier to run and faster than PF).

Anyone else got stories of seemingly decent GM's hitting a wall this way... due to Players, rules or whatever?

Signs of GM breakdown...

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