So I spent the evenings this week learning how to photoshop cities. My first effort was poor (see the Hornberg thread) but I think I have it down now and worked out a few new technicques that save an age.
So ....
Port Mara
Flavour : Grimdark Fantasy
Tropes: There is no honour amongst thieves, pirates, Lankhmar,
Cultural Motifs: Southern European, Dickensian Pickpockets, Renaissance
Human & Khazad (various categories of mixed blood dwarves, some appear as little more than stocky humans)
Fighters - Champion, BattleMaster
Rangers - Hunters (swamp and rivers specialism)
Cleric - Death, Knowledge, Life, Light, War, Tempest, Trickery
Bard - Lore
Rogue - Thief, Assassin
Sau (Lizardmen - use Dragonborn stats)
Fighters - Champion
Barbarian - Totem Warrior (snakes, aligators..)
Rangers - Hunters, Beastmaster
Druid - Circle of Land
Rogue - Thief
Races: Human, Khazad , Sau
Squalid, Malignant Port Mara sits like a cancer on the the rim of the Sea of Sighs. It is surrounded by the dense swamps of the Gelli Delta. Almost unapproachable by land the only access to the city is the sea, forgetting of course the Sau that have lived on the delta for millennia and the smugglers that wend their way past the alligators in their small boats laden with spices, drugs, liquor and other less savory contraband.
The city was founded two thousand years ago when the the Golden Empire was in its peak and the Gelli was navigable all the way up to the Falls of Glass. The Empire has long since faded and the old city has been taken apart and rebuilt as the old foundations sink further into the mire.
Port Mara itself was a focus of the League of Isles for a time before infighting and Sukaj pirates put pay to that idealistic dream. Now it sits perched on the edge of extinction like and old man clinging bitterly on to life when his body has all but given up.
The City is ruled by the Legis a title bestowed by the city's elite for a period of 10 years. In that time the Legis does as much as they can to line their pockets in every way possible and to avoid assassination. Of the last 8 Legi none have manged to last their full term in office, one lasted only 12 days. The Legis rules the city with the Crimson Order and elite order of eunuchs selected at age 5 from the city's plentiful orphanages and trained in the fighting arts only 1 in 2 survive to adulthood. Known locally as the redboys, blood brothers or simply The Red they act as the royal guard and elite military. The city watch take care of more mundane policing activities.
The city has four sources of income. The trellis flowers, known locally as Old Man's Beard, which grow in the swamp can be harvested and refined to produce the narcotic Muse, which is then exported across the known world. The local cuisine has become legendary. The need to make the most out of any scrap of food however inedible means that Marian chefs are most sought after, and many a king in their distant palaces dine on morsels that the locals wouldn't feed to their dogs. The Mechanics, mostly dwarven in ancestry at some point though these days its hard to tell, produce a wide range of devices that are exported far and wide. The most popular are firearms. The last source of income for the city is murder, whether in the fighting pits where a man with a steady nerve, lots of luck and a fast blade can win a fortune in a night, or loose everything in a moment; the heavily armed corsair ships that sit in the harbours and raid the sea lanes in search of booty; or the taverns around Devil's Quay where a man's life can be bought for the price of a meal. Murder is the real business of Port Mara.
The Sau, Dwarves and men of the city mix and interbreed freely, other races can be found sporadically mostly on the docks. Their religions are just as mixed and it is said that Marians will worship anything and everything.They take death rites very seriously and all Marians want to be burn at teh temple on Saver's Isle if they afford the coin.
Out in the swamps the Sau still live in tribal groups making a living from fishing and selling trellis flowers to smugglers. The swamps are still full of old Empire ruins sunken into the land and other darker older creatures.
Unique Backgrounds
So ....
Port Mara
Flavour : Grimdark Fantasy
Tropes: There is no honour amongst thieves, pirates, Lankhmar,
Cultural Motifs: Southern European, Dickensian Pickpockets, Renaissance
Human & Khazad (various categories of mixed blood dwarves, some appear as little more than stocky humans)
Fighters - Champion, BattleMaster
Rangers - Hunters (swamp and rivers specialism)
Cleric - Death, Knowledge, Life, Light, War, Tempest, Trickery
Bard - Lore
Rogue - Thief, Assassin
Sau (Lizardmen - use Dragonborn stats)
Fighters - Champion
Barbarian - Totem Warrior (snakes, aligators..)
Rangers - Hunters, Beastmaster
Druid - Circle of Land
Rogue - Thief
Races: Human, Khazad , Sau
Squalid, Malignant Port Mara sits like a cancer on the the rim of the Sea of Sighs. It is surrounded by the dense swamps of the Gelli Delta. Almost unapproachable by land the only access to the city is the sea, forgetting of course the Sau that have lived on the delta for millennia and the smugglers that wend their way past the alligators in their small boats laden with spices, drugs, liquor and other less savory contraband.
The city was founded two thousand years ago when the the Golden Empire was in its peak and the Gelli was navigable all the way up to the Falls of Glass. The Empire has long since faded and the old city has been taken apart and rebuilt as the old foundations sink further into the mire.
Port Mara itself was a focus of the League of Isles for a time before infighting and Sukaj pirates put pay to that idealistic dream. Now it sits perched on the edge of extinction like and old man clinging bitterly on to life when his body has all but given up.
The City is ruled by the Legis a title bestowed by the city's elite for a period of 10 years. In that time the Legis does as much as they can to line their pockets in every way possible and to avoid assassination. Of the last 8 Legi none have manged to last their full term in office, one lasted only 12 days. The Legis rules the city with the Crimson Order and elite order of eunuchs selected at age 5 from the city's plentiful orphanages and trained in the fighting arts only 1 in 2 survive to adulthood. Known locally as the redboys, blood brothers or simply The Red they act as the royal guard and elite military. The city watch take care of more mundane policing activities.
The city has four sources of income. The trellis flowers, known locally as Old Man's Beard, which grow in the swamp can be harvested and refined to produce the narcotic Muse, which is then exported across the known world. The local cuisine has become legendary. The need to make the most out of any scrap of food however inedible means that Marian chefs are most sought after, and many a king in their distant palaces dine on morsels that the locals wouldn't feed to their dogs. The Mechanics, mostly dwarven in ancestry at some point though these days its hard to tell, produce a wide range of devices that are exported far and wide. The most popular are firearms. The last source of income for the city is murder, whether in the fighting pits where a man with a steady nerve, lots of luck and a fast blade can win a fortune in a night, or loose everything in a moment; the heavily armed corsair ships that sit in the harbours and raid the sea lanes in search of booty; or the taverns around Devil's Quay where a man's life can be bought for the price of a meal. Murder is the real business of Port Mara.
The Sau, Dwarves and men of the city mix and interbreed freely, other races can be found sporadically mostly on the docks. Their religions are just as mixed and it is said that Marians will worship anything and everything.They take death rites very seriously and all Marians want to be burn at teh temple on Saver's Isle if they afford the coin.
Out in the swamps the Sau still live in tribal groups making a living from fishing and selling trellis flowers to smugglers. The swamps are still full of old Empire ruins sunken into the land and other darker older creatures.
Unique Backgrounds
Micro Setting - Port Mara
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