lundi 27 avril 2015

D&D5E Dark Sun: a different direction

i also posted this on TBP, but I'm looking for more feedback and expect to get different opinions here.

Okay, I've found both Cyber-Dave's and Gabriel Zenon Wach's 5E conversions, but this is going a bit different than a direct conversion. Some of the guys in my group do not like psionics in fantasy, so if I want to run Athas, I have to pull out the psionics. Options I'm considering are:

A) just pull out the extra bit of oomph psionics could have provided and run with 5E races/classes modified for the setting
B) give all creatures a small magic talent or knack that uses their own HP to power (instead of external defilement, it would be a sort of internal defilement. Yes, this is a cheat around no psionics.

I'd appreciate any other possible suggestions on other options. Of these two, I'm leaning toward B. The knacks would be something less than a cantrip. Any suggestions here or recommended places to look?

Any thoughts or suggestions?

D&D5E Dark Sun: a different direction

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