dimanche 26 avril 2015


For your entertainment, I figured I'd post some of the work I've done in regards to the streamlined version of MSH (FASERIP) that I've used for close to a decade now as my go-to system. Its something I plan one day to release as an illustrated pdf, once I've expanded with a long section on GM advice. As it stands now its basically a reference document for myself to use.

First off I use almost exclusively the Character Modelling character creation system, in which a player describes their character and I define it in game terms, working with the player. As my players get to know the system better, I give them more freedom in defining the mechanical side of characters themselves, with revisions as necessary so the character is appropriate for the intended game or campaign. As such, these focus more on ways to define a character in games terms rather than a specific system for generating balanced characters.

Also, as I'm very firmly in the camp of "rulings vs rules", a lot of what's presented here is merely to give the GM a way to make common sense rulings and judgements based on the situation rather than an attempt to systemize everything. While the game's default assumption is that of a superhero game, I readily adapt it to any number of genres. The most prevalent for myself thus far being historical occult investigators.

Again these are my notes to facilitate play, rather than specifically aimed at a wider audience, as such some parts are more fleshed out than others. You could call this "ivory tower" game design, as its based on the assumption that the reader is a longterm RPG player such as myself.


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